SUBMIT A Prayer Request

St. John's is a praying congregation! We pray for one another as our Lord invites us, bringing our requests to Him with thanksgiving. How can we pray for you? Let us know by filling out the form below. You can make your request visible by selecting an option in the "public visibility" section. You can also submit a private request. All public prayer requests can be found below this form. Please take the time to look at them and pray for them. Thank you.


Please bring the following requests to our Lord in prayer.


Please pray for the safe return of Gianna Tacco, my sister-in-law's 12 year old granddaughter, who has been missing since Nov. 12th. Last seen in the Bronx in the area of Boston Rd and East Chester Ave.


Please pray for Suzanne Boyko sister of John Koch. Undergoing cancer surgery on Friday


Please pray for Rosalie Cerrachio who will be having surgery this Friday, 11/ 15 for stage 4 nasal cancer.


Please pray for my friend Fran Anderson. She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma over a year ago and treatments have not been going well. Doctors have told her they only have one more option left to try.


My cousin Fred Eichhorn who just underwent a mastectomy and is facing chemo and radiation.